Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Book Review - Evangelicals and Tradition

Evangelicals and Tradition

Evangelicals and Tradition: The Formative Influence of the Early Church (Evangelical Ressourcement: Ancient Sources for the Church's Future)
Can the church exist without tradition? This is the fundamental question in D.H. Williams’ work, Evangelicals and Tradition. According to Williams, the Protestant rejection of tradition is not only ignorant, since the sola statements of the Reformation are a tradition,[1] but also dangerous. Tradition to Williams is the guide, the rule by which we can evaluate the Christian life. Even if flawed, Williams work is sure to force careful consideration of how one practices faith and tradition.

Monday, July 11, 2011

Where does Mark end?


The end of Mark presents an interesting dilemma for the biblical textual critic. Looking at chapter 16, most modern bibles have footnotes, brackets, and markings trying to help the reader understand that the ending of the book is in question. Mark 16:9-20 forms the verses in question. The shorter ending at verse eight, supported by a respected few manuscripts, is thrust into contention with later more numerous manuscripts[1] with a longer ending. While there are many divergent views, the facts lead to only one conclusion. Mark canonically ends in verse eight and all following verses are non-canonical additions.

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Sermon - Unshakable Worth

Do you feel like you have no qualities that make you desirable? Do you feel unlovable? Focus on how God views you and not how the world wants you to view yourself. Romans 5:6-11.

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Up, Up, and Away!

My blog is now officially up and running! *Whew*

The goal for the site is to be a place where I can post assignments and papers I've had to do for seminary that might be of interest to others. Since the content will be driven by my classes expect to see specific topics covered consistently for a few months, then dropped and newer topics starting to be covered.

Posts that should be coming up in the next few weeks are: Early Church Figures, a book review of "Evangelicals and Tradition", and a look at the ending of Mark. Please feel free to send comments or suggestions on either a post or the site in general to me at I always appreciate feedback.

Thanks for stopping by, and have a blessed day!

Discussion - Do we have a Closed Canon?

We had a debate in my church history class a few weeks ago. The question ran something like this: "Paul wrote letters to churches that have been lost, i.e. Third Corinthians or The Letter to the Church of Laodocea. If one of these letters were to be recovered, are they to be added to the Bible?" Brian's paraphrase understanding of the question is, do we believe in a closed canon of Scripture or can the right book still make it in?

Book Review - The Lost History of Christianity

The Lost History of Christianity

The Lost History of Christianity: The Thousand-Year Golden Age of the Church in the Middle East, Africa, and Asia--and How It Died

Friday, July 1, 2011

Book Review - Constantine's Bible

Another project I'm working on is putting up book reviews. These are works that I've read for fun or for a class and that I think may be of worth talking about.

Constantine's Bible

Constantine's Bible: Politics and the Making of the New Testament